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Yorum ekle
Anyone know where i can find English commentary?
Thank you very much ... I was looking for this game to find it, but I came to the conclusion late because of the name of Yugoslavia that you mentioned in Serbia and Montenegro ... Of course, now I read your explanation about the previous name of the team ... Thank you Hope for better days than you and your great site
It was a beautiful, strange and unbelievable game, and the elimination of Spain until the last minutes, which suddenly became a miracle ... Of course, this is Spain's game with Yugoslavia.
Why are you pretending as if a country called Yugoslavia has never existed, which is what Spain played against, and not Serbia & Montenegro, a non existent country.
We've addressed this issue before. We are going to paste the same reply we wrote in one comment below: The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro was known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from its creation in 1992 until 2003. The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia were the same country, which had two different names. We can't have two entries for the same team, and therefore we use the latest name the country had. If the country still existed today, we'd be using its current name, regardless of the name it had in past periods. We do have a team called Yugoslavia, which represented the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia and which stopped competing in 1992. However, SR Yugoslavia and FR Yugoslavia were two different countries despite the similar names.
We were SR Yugoslavia during 1992.-2003(played in WC France 1998./EURO Belgium/Netherlands 2000.).In 2003. name was changed into Serbia and Montenegro with this name of country We was playing at WC Germany 2006. / Serbia is independent country from 2007. till today.
This is one of football's most thrilling games. The craziest of madmen in a padded cell couldn't have scripted this.
it is Yugoslavia, not Serbia & Montenegro
The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro was known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from its creation in 1992 until 2003. The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia were the same country, which had two different names. We can't have two entries for the same team, and therefore we use the latest name the country had. If the country still existed today, we'd be using its current name, regardless of the name it had in past periods.
Utterly incredible game. Thank you so much for posting. #COVID-19