Thank you!
First of all, we’d like to tell you how grateful we are to all of you who stuck by us during our offline period. Thank you so much!
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But the threat is not gone. As you know, in recent months, Footballia has been in danger of disappearing. We’ve improved our protection so you can keep enjoying football history, but as a consequence, our expenses have increased.
How can you help?
Many of you have asked how you can help the project. The best way is to subscribe to Footballia Master. Not only will you make the project stronger, but you’ll get a bunch of cool features in return!
Adicionar um comentário
Polonia un equipo muy fuerte en los 70^s lindo verlos jugar, haiti lindo ver su mundial, SAnon muy bun jugador
Haiti and Zaire teams was like a joke if Poland play more serious game can make score more than 10 goals easily
Une super Pologne qui joue super bien. Une équipe d'Haïti courageuse mais limitée mais qui perd avec les honneurs malgré le score pas comme le Zaïre contre la Yougoslavie !
Easy Poland win could have been a record world cup win if Poland never eased up after being 6.0 up!
as bandeiras no nome dos jogadores está errada, tá aparecendo a da russia aqui
As bandeiras são do Haiti e a Polónia. Não tem nenhuma bandeira russa aqui.
me confundi com o fundo branco, me desculpa
Nehum problema!