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Roda JC Kerkrade vs. CSKA Sofia

Roda JC Kerkrade vs. CSKA Sofia cijela utakmica

Cup Winners' Cup 1988-1989


CSKA were named CFKA Sredets at the time. // Sredets had won the 1st leg by 2-1. // The 2nd half is incomplete. There seems to be an error after the 66th minute. *SPOILER ALERT* The missing bit contains Stoichkov's goal for CSKA that would take the match into extra time, which is included in this copy.

Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Quarter-finals, 2nd leg
Gemeentelijk Sportpark Kaalheide (Kerkrade)
15. Ožujak 1989.

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