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Liverpool FC vs. Arsenal FC

Liverpool FC vs. Arsenal FC cijela utakmica

Premier League 2018-2019

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Premier League 2018-2019
Week 20
Anfield (Liverpool)
29. Prosinac 2018.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. 1904fanboy 18. Studeni 2019. 21:42

    first half the soud needs sync. great site

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 21. Studeni 2019. 01:02

    Thank you for letting us know, but like we said in the comment below, this is the only copy we have of this match. We're sorry for the inconvenience.

  3. sr98 9. Lipanj 2019. 01:37

    second half at 26:40 the sound is missing and also skips some of the match. from 26:40 onwards no sound.

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 9. Lipanj 2019. 14:14

    At the moment, this is the only copy we have. We'll try to find an alternative source, but unfortunately we can't guarantee we'll find one.

  5. sr98 9. Lipanj 2019. 01:29

    the first half is pretty much unwatchable. the sound delay is too much.

  6. halter42 18. Svibanj 2019. 20:51

    Hello, the sound in the first half (at least) is a bit out of sync. Great site here by the way :)

  7. Footballia
    Footballia 18. Svibanj 2019. 23:06

    Hello, thank you, we hadn't noticed. We'll see if we can get it fixed later on.