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Germany vs. Algeria

Germany vs. Algeria cijela utakmica

World Cup 1982

Cijelo natjecanje
World Cup 1982
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Group stage, matchday 1
El Molinón (Xixón)
16. Lipanj 1982.
x 1234533 glasova
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Rubenilson of anarchy 12. Prosinac 2020. 18:30

    In 1982 Zinedine Zidane was 10 years old, he told his friends that Djamel Zidane the algerian winger of this team was is cousin. Not true, not related but i like this story. At the time it was a nice feeling for Zinedine to see someone called like him in a world cup game...

  2. HugoH_88 30. Svibanj 2020. 14:11

    Do you know which commentator this is?

  3. pistaman 2. Svibanj 2020. 02:05

    que vitória épica.

  4. takal67 28. Ožujak 2020. 18:53

    Good memorie.

  5. Mauro Alegretti 30. Siječanj 2020. 00:04

    Por Alemania Littbarski jugó mucho!

  6. Adussine
    Adussine 16. Ožujak 2020. 23:17

    I was there, What a game!

  7. 11. Srpanj 2019. 04:59
