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FK Željezničar vs. Fehérvár FC

FK Željezničar vs. Fehérvár FC cijela utakmica

UEFA Cup 1984-1985


Fehérvár was called Videoton at the time. // Videoton had won the 1st leg 3-1.

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UEFA Cup 1984-1985
Semi-final, 2nd leg
Stadion Grbavica (Sarajevo)
24. Travanj 1985.

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  1. Zic 14. Lipanj 2020. 12:54

    One of the most memorable matches played by a Yugoslav club in European club competition during the 80's. It was an all to familiar case of a Yugoslav side, in this case Zeljeznicar who were by no means a powerhouse in the domestic league, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory! More tragically during the war in Bosnia from 1992-95 the Grbavica stadium was literally the frontline in Eastern Sarajevo, dividing the Bosnian Muslim and Serb forces where hundreds were killed in and around the stadium which was almost completely destroyed during the course of the war.

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 15. Lipanj 2020. 09:52

    Thank you for sharing such an interesting story!