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FC Porto vs. Racing Genk

FC Porto vs. Racing Genk cijela utakmica

Europa League 2010-2011

Prenio korisnik: Ghabryell1 Komentara607 PogledaNema komentatora

The last 10 minutes of the match have been lost. However, we decided to publish it because it's a rare match that was neither broadcast in Portugal nor Belgium... and it's a good match, too! As for the missing bit, it was rather uneventful.

Europa League 2010-2011
Play-off round, 2nd leg
Estádio do Dragão (Porto)
26. Kolovoz 2010.
Prikaži rezultat4 : 2

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  1. Angelito Labruna 24. Svibanj 2020. 15:47

    Why wasn't broadcast either in Portugal or Belgium?

  2. Ruutu
    Ruutu 25. Svibanj 2020. 23:20

    FC Porto wasn't keen on selling the rights for this match as they wanted to try to fill the stadium.

  3. Angelito Labruna
    Angelito Labruna 26. Lipanj 2021. 00:46

    WTF that's really bizarre.