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FC Barcelona vs. Sevilla FC

FC Barcelona vs. Sevilla FC cijela utakmica

Copa del Rey 2009-2010

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Copa del Rey 2009-2010
Octavos de final, ida
Camp Nou (Barcelona)
5. Siječanj 2010.
x 1234513 glasova

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  1. Omalone1 31. Ožujak 2020. 22:24

    Manolo Jiménez Sevilla (until 24 March) Beat Barcelona 2-1 on 5 January 2010 " The key idea we had was to pile the pressure on their defenders and not allow them to bring the ball out of the back. We wanted to make sure that they didn't get the ball to their playmakers – we tried to stop him receiving and playing. We played with great intensity and really went for them. We were close together in the middle but quick to get the ball wide when we attacked. You can never relax against Barcelona because they are the best side in the world. We showed courage, competitiveness and quality. You have to work very hard and not give up a single ball for lost. We conceded one goal because of a lapse of concentration but we were able to overcome that fortunately."