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CR Flamengo vs. SE Palmeiras

CR Flamengo vs. SE Palmeiras cijela utakmica

Campeonato Brasileiro 1987

Prenio korisnik: Pelz0 Komentara1518 PogledaPortugalski

The Flamengo of Zico, Renato Gaúcho, Leandro, Andrade and the young prospects faces another giant of Brazilian football: Palmeiras. This Verdão featured the future São Paulo star and 1994 WC Brazil's National Team member Zetti, the future América-Mex legend and recurrent call up for the Seleção in the mid 1980s, Edu Manga, and the good Bizu, who would shine for the Náutico team as runners-up in Brazil's National First Division top goalscorer dispute twice (1989 and 1990), top goalscorer of the 1990 Copa do Brasil and winning the best forward prize (Bola de Prata) once in 1989.

Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
2ª fase - Rodada 4
Maracanã (Rio de Janeiro)
7. Studeni 1987.

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