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CR Flamengo vs. São Paulo FC

CR Flamengo vs. São Paulo FC cijela utakmica

Campeonato Brasileiro 2009

Prenio korisnik: Pelz0 Komentara1979 PogledaPortugalski

Dejan Petković is the top foreign goal scorer of Brazilian football competitions. He is the fifth non-Brazilian to enter the Brazilian Football Hall of Fame, holds the record for most Olympic goals in history and is regarded as the best foreigner to ever have played for Flamengo. In this match, he needs to lead an "Adriano The Emperor-less" Flamengo against the São Paulo side (powerful three-times-in-a-row Brazilian champions). Rogério Ceni - the greatest São Paulo player of all time -, Hernanes, Dagoberto, Jean, Washington and a young Oscar are the highlights of the team.

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