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Chelsea FC vs. Swansea City

Chelsea FC vs. Swansea City cijela utakmica

Premier League 2014-2015

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Premier League 2014-2015
Week 4
Stamford Bridge (London)
13. Rujan 2014.

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  1. CallMeDom 21. Ožujak 2020. 11:44

    Upload Chelsea - Arsenal from this season pls!

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 22. Ožujak 2020. 09:44

    It's already here. Take a closer look ;-)

  3. CallMeDom
    CallMeDom 22. Ožujak 2020. 19:39

    No, it's not here. Arsenal - Chelsea that has been played on 26th April, 2015. and 1st game in Stamford Bridge from 2014/15, here is just 2013/14 that 6-0 demolition...

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 22. Ožujak 2020. 19:59

    Oh, you meant the 14-15 season! When you said "this" season, we thought you meant the current season, 19-20. To post an old match, we need to find someone who recorded it at the time and then decides to share it.

  5. JimmyJ 19. Listopad 2019. 02:04

    These are the sort of games when Hazard doesn't score or assist and is still the best player on the pitch. This is why people need to watch football to understand that man's greatness.