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Chelsea FC vs. Bayern München

Chelsea FC vs. Bayern München cijela utakmica

Champions League 2019-2020

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Round of 16, 1st leg
Stamford Bridge (London)
25. Veljača 2020.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. f00tballl0v3 1. Travanj 2021. 23:37

    Bayern 2019-20 was insane, love watching every game in UCL! All players on fire!

  2. Zic 22. Prosinac 2020. 23:49

    Thank you Footballia. Bayern on another level, match should have been over by halftime!

  3. Sonu 14. Listopad 2020. 21:20

    Can you upload this match in english commentary?

  4. Kevin
    Kevin 10. Veljača 2021. 07:06

    Would be greatly appreciated

  5. Unnug 23. Rujan 2020. 11:01

    Even if the data speed is normal the download slows down in between ,help:/

  6. Footballia
    Footballia 26. Rujan 2020. 10:12

    It's not permitted to download content from this platform.

  7. Lewandowski's Memes 21. Rujan 2020. 06:03

    Thank You Guys for showing these matches they really help

  8. Ramlo 14. Lipanj 2020. 12:06

    Muchas gracias por el trabajo que se toman de subir estos videos! Ni hablar de los partidos viejos que son mas dificiles de conseguir! Un abrazo grande

  9. Footballia
    Footballia 15. Lipanj 2020. 09:50

    ¡Muchas gracias! ¡Nos esforzamos todo lo que podemos! :-)

  10. Ruthy 10. Lipanj 2020. 18:50

    Não sei de vocês irão ver minha mensagem, mas eu só queria agradecer pelo trabalho de vocês. Parabéns, estão salvando minha quarentena :)

  11. Footballia
    Footballia 11. Lipanj 2020. 10:00

    Muito obrigado! :-)

  12. joão conceição 26. Svibanj 2020. 06:04

    que baile le dio esta máquina bávara al pobre chelsea

  13. verdali 16. Svibanj 2020. 18:48

    why your every video always kick me out of big screen?

  14. Footballia
    Footballia 18. Svibanj 2020. 13:42

    There's probably an advert interfering with the full-screen mode. You need to wait a few seconds till the ad is gone.

  15. andrezinho 9. Svibanj 2020. 00:27

    Tem como botarem narração em português? Ou não tem como?

  16. Footballia
    Footballia 9. Svibanj 2020. 11:34

    Por favor, consulte a secção das FAQs sobre a língua dos jogos.

  17. andrezinho 9. Svibanj 2020. 00:25

    Good match

  18. Jurgen_Stark 14. Travanj 2020. 21:11

    Thank you guys for having it with German commentator, i was looking for it.

  19. Knighthawk25 28. Ožujak 2020. 16:17

    It says english but its in german why?

  20. Footballia
    Footballia 29. Ožujak 2020. 10:12

    It was a mistake. Thanks for pointing it out!

  21. DT23 19. Ožujak 2020. 01:34

    Link the German commentary 1st half: 2nd half: