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Brazil vs. Czechoslovakia

Brazil vs. Czechoslovakia cijela utakmica

Friendly 1982

Prenio korisnik: Satori1 Komentara2563 PogledaPortugalski

Jairzinho's testimonial match, who had reached 100 matches for Brazil, according to the Brazilian Federation's criteria at the time.

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  1. Gurgen 9. Svibanj 2020. 20:13

    Dear Host, great thanks for opportunity to watch historic games! Small comments about line ups and numbers. In Czech team correct numbers are following: 8 Janecka (he scored the goal) 9 Vizek 10 Berger 11 Nehoda. The rest is all correct. I hope useful. Thanks again for fantastic experience!

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 10. Svibanj 2020. 15:52

    Thank you for your comment. However, according to the Brazilian TV commentators: 8 Berger, 9 Janecka, 10 Vízek, 11 Nehoda. That's in line with several online reports which state Berger as the goalscorer.