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Borussia Dortmund vs. Schalke 04

Borussia Dortmund vs. Schalke 04 cijela utakmica

Bundesliga 2019-2020


This match was played behind closed doors due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The first half is in Spanish. The first half of the source in English was corrupted, so we used the first half from this other source.

Ova je utakmica podijeljena u 2 datoteke. Neka se prvi video reprodukuje do kraja bez zaustavljanja, a sljedeći će se pokrenuti automatski.
Bundesliga 2019-2020
26. Spieltag
Westfalenstadion (Dortmund)
16. Svibanj 2020.
x 123455 glasova
Prikaži rezultat4 : 0
R. Guerreiro45'
R. Guerreiro63'

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  1. Aziz 31. Kolovoz 2020. 17:36

    The video player keeps minimizing by itself for some reason?!

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 1. Rujan 2020. 08:23

    Just wait a few seconds until the ad is gone.

  3. Cara 16. Lipanj 2020. 08:28

    english commentation version please, so everybody around the world can understand <3

  4. Lubenson 27. Svibanj 2020. 13:48


  5. Lubenson 24. Svibanj 2020. 14:03

    Why we can't download it earlier

  6. Footballia
    Footballia 26. Svibanj 2020. 10:00

    It's not permitted to download any content from this platform, neither earlier nor later.

  7. mserra22 17. Svibanj 2020. 09:07

    porque no se puede ver?

  8. Footballia
    Footballia 17. Svibanj 2020. 10:26

    Footballia es un archivo histórico, no es una web de replays para ver "el partido de ayer". Nuestra prioridad es el largo plazo, no la inmediatez. Sólo ofrecemos partidos que tengan al menos 30 días de antigüedad.