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Arsenal FC vs. Tottenham Hotspur

Arsenal FC vs. Tottenham Hotspur cijela utakmica

Premier League 2019-2020

Ova je utakmica podijeljena u 2 datoteke. Neka se prvi video reprodukuje do kraja bez zaustavljanja, a sljedeći će se pokrenuti automatski.
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Premier League 2019-2020
Week 4
Emirates Stadium (London)
1. Rujan 2019.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Yeboi234 19. Ožujak 2020. 08:51

    How do you switch between the 2 files there are no arrowd

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 19. Ožujak 2020. 09:29

    Yes, there are. Check out the player bar, at the bottom of the video window. Next to the play sign there are two arrows.

  3. Yeboi234
    Yeboi234 19. Ožujak 2020. 10:26

    I tried again with your advice but next to the play button are only the 15 seconds ahead and behind

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 19. Ožujak 2020. 21:26

    JW Player does not feature 15 seconds forward/back. Those arrows are for jumping back and forth between the files.

  5. Yeboi234
    Yeboi234 24. Ožujak 2020. 08:22

    Ok thanks you were right