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I was 15 years old.
i was't even born. ;)
Un partido para enamorarse de socrates-falcao-zico-eder. impresionante mediocampo. por otro lado, passarella mantuvo toda la copa un nivel altisimo. que gran jugador.
Brazil 4-2-3-1
botamos os hermanos na roda
Una partita fantastica fra le due storiche rivali. L'Argentina fatica molto a imporsi ma dà segni di buon gioco in diverse occasioni. Il Brasile continua a essere una squadra iconica, piena di grandi giocatori. Un match decisivo per il girone, che sancisce l'eliminazione di una grande squadra.
Que hay que hacer para que no se achique la pantalla cada 20 segundos..?? Anda mal.
Simplemente esperar unos segundos a que se cierre el anuncio que impide que se abra.
It keeps pausing every 10 seconds for 1 minute and makes it really hard to watch
Nostalgie quand tu nous tiens!
Excelente recuerdo y que maravilloso equipo tenia Brasil.
I was at this match. We were on a family holiday in Salou, near Barcelona and managed to get tickets. Unreal. Never been at a match with an atmosphere anywhere near this. It was in Espanol's old ground, which was compact and stacked high. I counted five brass bands with percussion in our stand alone. People obviously refer to this been the greatest Brazilian team ever, but checkout the Argentinian line-up! Poor Maradona had enough of getting the shit kicked out of him by Gentile in the previous match against Italy, and was going to get his revenge in first. Which he duly did!
MVP: Falcão (Bra). EVP: Zico (Bra); Maradona and Passarella (Arg).
I didnt see that fantastic great brazil team argentina played brazil scored was normal result italy beat brazil
Passarella should have received the red card too??????? ...did you mean Batista from Brazil should have received red card too, Batista makes two foul first to Barbas and then Maradona so Diego reaction was make a foul too...
Terrible referee. Passarella should have received the red card too..