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AC Milan vs. KSV Waregem

AC Milan vs. KSV Waregem cijela utakmica

UEFA Cup 1985-1986


Following the referee's controversial decision to award Waregem a penalty in the 44th minute as the foul looked to be outside of the penalty area, Milan fans pelted the pitch with missiles some of which hit several Waregem players. Following the match, as a result of the incident, AC Milan received a two-match European competition stadium ban, enforced at the start of their 1987–88 UEFA Cup campaign.

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UEFA Cup 1985-1986
Round of 16, 2nd leg
San Siro (Milano)
11. Prosinac 1985.

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  1. Daniele 21. Veljača 2021. 16:36

    Franky Dekenne,number 3 of KSV Waregem,was born in 1960(not in 1970 as indicated in Footballia's database).If he was born in 1970,he would have been too young for this match.Can you correct,please ? :)

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 9. Ožujak 2021. 13:48

    Yes, we spotted that mistake! Thank you for pointing it out!