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Añadir un comentario
Good game. Both teams going for it. I don't believe Belgium's second goal was offside as it was kicked from miles away as a long ball. The worst mistake of the game was USSR giving away the corner off which Belgium scored. Instead the defender should have controlled the ball and cleared it the other way or passed it to a teammate to clear it out the danger area. The rushed and impatient decision cost his team the game.
belgica al contragolpe y aprovechamiento integral de los espacios.urss buen manejo de la pelota y jugando al offside como mecanismo defensivo.un error en un mundial y te volves.urss un gigante muy bobo regalo los goles y no supo administrar las ventajas.eliminado con justicia.
Ukraine all right...
Even though in that time it didn´t matter much what part of behind the Iron Curtain they were from. But this IS Ukraine.
Muy dormida esa defensa soviética
Excelente partido de futbol
Personne n'attendait les Belges et pourtant.
So close Soviet Union...Not lucky
Lamentable el juez de linea español,
Según yo, el juez de línea levantó la bandera y el árbitro sueco no lo señaló
Terrible reffing, Soviet Union were robbed so badly in this game.