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viva el murcia
For those who don't understand the mother tongue of Iniesta let's put the game in context Deportivo won the first game at home 1-0... will the lesser side be able to make a game out of it ? TV production for the eara are a bit behind the times no clock appears on the screen, my understanding of Spanish is almost non-existant biut was feeling a certain bias from the commentary team towards Real Murcia. Finally the video quality is average/poor for a relatively recent match , it remains more than watchable though.
The commentators are indeed biased because it was a regional broadcast, only for the region of Murcia.
Game between a strong Deportivo squad that would finish the year 3rd in La Liga and 2nd division Real Murcia who would get promoted that year Among the notable players let's mention Pichichi winner Roy Makaay in his prime, Deportivo has also a strong supporting cast eith the likes of Digo Trista, Pablo Ano , Jorge Andrade and many others