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¡Que Footballia siga adelante!
Pero la amenaza no ha desaparecido. Como sabéis, en los últimos meses, Footballia ha estado en peligro de desaparición. Nos hemos protegido mejor para que sigáis disfrutando de la historia del fútbol, pero debido a ello, nuestros gastos han aumentado.
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Añadir un comentario
This game is a perfect demonstration that when you make mistakes in Football you get punished for them, as in Chess, but not quite as bad as in Chess. The game was lost for Portugal in the first half, due to not marking their men, not doing accurate passes, not moving off the ball, shooting off target and not controlling the ball, which are mistakes every team makes in Football. In contrast in the first half Morocco was able to control the ball and show composure and pass the ball accurately to their men and eventually hit the target. The referee was biased against Portugal not awarding them a clear penalty in the second half and giving other decisions against them. Tough luck Portugal. That being said it also showed the good quality of African football on the World stage.
Malgré un beau but de Diamantino, les Portugais payent leurs dissensions internes. Bravo aux Marocains!