Antes de nada, queremos deciros lo agradecidos que os estamos a todos los que nos habéis seguido apoyando mientras la web estaba cerrada. ¡Muchas gracias!
¡Que Footballia siga adelante!
Pero la amenaza no ha desaparecido. Como sabéis, en los últimos meses, Footballia ha estado en peligro de desaparición. Nos hemos protegido mejor para que sigáis disfrutando de la historia del fútbol, pero debido a ello, nuestros gastos han aumentado.
¿Cómo puedes ayudar?
Muchos nos habéis preguntado cómo podéis ayudar al proyecto. La mejor forma es suscribirse a Footballia Master. No sólo fortaleceréis el proyecto, sino que también obtendréis un montón de funcionalidades que os encantarán.
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Match équilibré mais parfois un peu long. De nombreuses fautes et une partie qui met du temps à se débrider. Les tactiques et stratégies ont été assez fermées, les 2 équipes ayant peur l'une de l'autre. La séance de tirs au but est bien sûr une loterie mais les échecs des Three Lions sont enfin exorcisés (1990, 1996, 1998, 2004, 2006 et 2012...). Quant aux Cafeteros, ils ont été dans l'ensemble décevants.
Bela partida, muito obrigado por postar*-*
Definitivamente esta página es lo máximo. Excelente trabajo.
this website is atrocious smh. gotta basically give blood to be able to watch a video, then god forbid you want to change it to full screen, not allowed. no wonder they're in trouble
If you are on a computer/laptop just keep clicking the full screen button whenever it rejects the full screen view. It eventually lets you watch it on full screen. Just keep spamming it.
The full-screen thing is solved simply by waiting a few seconds until the advert that's preventing it from getting open is gone. As for the difficulty in watching a video, we don't know what you mean. But you can keep all your blood, rest assured. And with regard to the trouble we're in, it has nothing to do with the way the website works, but with our efforts to make football history available to everyone for free, including you.
esta muy buena su pagina... gracias
¡Muchas gracias! Nos esforzamos al máximo :-)
And how Can I change the quality of the video?
These videos were recorded from tv. The quality can't be changed, it depends on what the standard tv quality was when the game was played and how the video has been preserved since then.
Hi, How do i download the game (iOS)
It's not permitted to download any content from this website.
The support given to the users answering the questions is superb. Thank you to the support team.
That's really kind, thank you! We try our best!
Streaming keeps cutting in and out. Could it be my wifi or are others having this issue?
We're sorry for the inconvenience, but it's due to the server's overload.
Can’t seem to find the arrows?
Check the player bar, next to the play button.
Cheers for the upload. Colombia a complete embarrassment in this game.
England were worse though.
Ok, thank you very much.
No problem!
I’ve read it but can’t seem to find the arrows.
There is a bar indicating the time of the file when you start playing. On that bar, on the left, there is a play sign, and right next to it, there are two arrows that will allow you to skip between files. In any case, if you watch the 1st half all the way, the 2nd half will start right after automatically.
How do I play the second half?
Please read the yellow message above. Thank you.