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Manchester United vs. Real Madrid

Manchester United vs. Real Madrid Ganzes Spiel

Champions League 2002-2003

Von Footballia19 Kommentare41259 AufrufeKein Komentar
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Quarter-finals, 2nd leg
Old Trafford (Manchester)
23. April 2003
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. f00tballl0v3 Freitag, 12. März 2021, 12:35 Uhr

    Partidazo! El Fenomeno!!!! Hattrick hero!

  2. jbpki,e Freitag, 22. Mai 2020, 20:27 Uhr

    Zidane, début de match de fou ! (je suis qu'au début) Barthez fautif Et Figo ? Il mange trop ? Bois trop ? Tellement lent et toujours à contre temps (commentaire au bout de 20 min de match)

  3. robbieruud Samstag, 09. Mai 2020, 23:34 Uhr

    Horrible Veron and Barthez. That pity. Finally I can see the entire match, in 2020!

  4. rida Mittwoch, 06. Mai 2020, 12:06 Uhr

    Thank you so much

  5. Clainic Mittwoch, 22. April 2020, 23:45 Uhr

    Porque esse vídeo não tem a narração, só tem o som ambiente do estádio?

  6. Footballia
    Footballia Donnerstag, 23. April 2020, 10:25 Uhr

    Então ninguém reclama da língua. ;-) É brincadeira. Não sabemos. A cópia chegou a nós assim.

  7. Redk81 Freitag, 03. April 2020, 20:00 Uhr

    The match isn’t loading

  8. Footballia
    Footballia Samstag, 04. April 2020, 11:17 Uhr

    Please check our FAQs section regarding the quarantine-derived problems. However, these are momentary problems and they usually go away after a while. We suggest you insist a little ;-)

  9. pericampeon Donnerstag, 02. April 2020, 15:38 Uhr

    Ronaldo is the best player in the world

  10. srj1511 Sonntag, 22. März 2020, 15:32 Uhr

    Is there no download option for the laptop?

  11. Footballia
    Footballia Sonntag, 22. März 2020, 19:43 Uhr

    It's not permitted to download content from this website.

  12. omy Samstag, 21. März 2020, 14:55 Uhr

    buffers a lot

  13. Footballia
    Footballia Sonntag, 22. März 2020, 09:58 Uhr

    These days the internet is overloaded because so many people around the would are at home at the same time using it. We're sorry for the inconvenience, but it's beyond our control.

  14. Ayon
    Ayon Sonntag, 22. März 2020, 10:21 Uhr

    yeAHHH man

  15. Arthur Mittwoch, 18. März 2020, 21:48 Uhr

    Le match ne veut pas se lancer .

  16. Footballia
    Footballia Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 09:15 Uhr

    On craint que le serveur est surchargé ces jours. Veuillez réessayer plus tard, s'il vous plaît.

  17. Hydrogen Cyanide Samstag, 14. März 2020, 10:22 Uhr

    Where i Can find English version?! Please Help me! Thank You

  18. Footballia
    Footballia Sonntag, 15. März 2020, 01:16 Uhr

    Can't help you. Please read our reply to the comment below this one.

  19. Rich Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2019, 15:22 Uhr

    Can you get an English commentary version?

  20. Footballia
    Footballia Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2019, 15:24 Uhr

    This is the only copy we have, but it's also a round won by the Spanish team, therefore the Spanish commentary makes the most sense.

  21. Salomão de Medeiros Mittwoch, 09. Oktober 2019, 12:58 Uhr

    Narrações ruins são do Brasil,só salva o Luciano do Valle e Jotta Júnior.

  22. Danilo Montag, 31. Dezember 2018, 03:45 Uhr

    essa narração é tao insuportavelmente ruim que quase desisti de assistir até o fim... pelo menos tem show do ronaldo....

  23. wesley iuri Dienstag, 25. September 2018, 21:33 Uhr

    narrações espanholas dessa época são uma merda pqpqppq q porcaria

  24. Footballia
    Footballia Dienstag, 25. September 2018, 21:36 Uhr

    Não é a narração da época, é uma narração feita anos depois. Mas certamente não é uma boa narração.

  25. Phobia Donnerstag, 02. August 2018, 05:29 Uhr

    Super match. Back to the era when football much more awesome. Madrid with their galaticos, and United still with their 92 class.

  26. diggydog734 Freitag, 09. Februar 2018, 07:55 Uhr

    english version please

  27. Manuel Araque Dienstag, 16. Januar 2018, 14:40 Uhr

    que partido tan bonito nunca aburre verlo

  28. Paco79 Mittwoch, 20. September 2017, 16:57 Uhr